Ray Oehm Jr's photo album
She's alive!!!! The 46 is back on the road.
Page 1 Pictures
Photo Page 2
Photo Page 3
Mr. J.'s 53 3/4 ton Donna's"MyTruck"
That old truck smell.
K.C. Nationals
Head light wire loom
clutch linkage
Levi's 55
The Ultimate 4x4
46 Chevy Bus
Blazerbird aka MUDCUTR
Rural/City Living
Grandma Wiggins burnout
Stovebolt Rally
horn relay
Blower motor diagram
The new garage
Short lessons & sermonettes
Contact Me
92 Dodge
stovebolt band
67 Firebird
68 Firebirds
68 firebird last up date 10/17/05


  Bruno, was purchased because.................um......... I need another truck.  No, I just got tired of getting stuck it the back 40.
   Levi redone the head liner for me. 


Bruno, what's in a name?  I can only remember naming 2  of my many vehicles,  and then it was with Dads help.  So once again the name Bruno has connection to Dad.  Kind of like the 6 degrees of separation.  The name came to me shortly after I got the truck.  I was doing the usual post purchase maintenance, and when I went to remove the front disk brake, I needed the wrench to take the retainer nut off.  For those of you that don't know about this nut, it is inside of the front hub and takes a special type wrench or should I say socket with 4 prongs on it.  And I just happen to have one of these sockets.  Why?  Back some 30 years ago when Dad had the Standard station he too needed one of these sockets.  But not having one, he went to get one.  I don't know if no parts store in town had one or if Dad just knew who could make one for him.  Bruno Roesch.  Dad had a great respect for this man as did I.  If he couldn't  fix or build something........ well I don't know, as he never let us down.   I have high expectations for this truck so I respectfully named it Bruno.

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