This '53 Chevy 3/4-ton was given to us by Mr. Ray Johnson, our former school teacher and dear friend of our
family. Mr. Johnson's father-in-law bought this truck new back in 1953. Mr. Johnson (Mr. J) would
haul firewood in this old faithful truck from his farm in Wakefield to our farm in Oketo just to visit. We have a road
by our house that we affectionately refer to as "Johnson Road" because one time Mr. J brought a load down after
a rain and instead of taking the all-weather roads, took a muddy "short cut" and got stuck. We tried
to tell him it wasn't equipped with four wheel drive. One time while visiting, way back when, Mr. J was talking
of buying a new truck. Donna said "When you do, I get first dibs on your 53". He was surprised she would
"want that old thing." From then on, whenever she talked about the 53 it was "My truck". After hearing this for
so long, Mr. J started to call it her truck, too. He would call up and tell Donna how he used "Your Truck"
today! Well, Mr. J decided to retire from farming at the age of 82. So he deeded the farm to his
nephew, and told Donna, "You can take "Your truck" home". Now it is at our farm.
When we use it, we can be thankful we have a friend like Mr. J.

Sept. 10 2005 Took the truck to KC. for All Truck National. Met some Stovebolters there, had a great time.
KCMONGO did a excellent job. Took some pictures but can't get them because of "Disk Error" So no pictures at this

Below are pictures of the trophy we received at the nationals in K.C. Three trophies were hand made by a fellow
bolter AKA KCMONGO It is a honor to have one of them. We showed the trophy to Mr. J. He
still can't believe, "That old thing won a trophy" Thank you Mongo you mad an elderly man very happy!
Best unfinished Stovebolt |

