This is what it looked like after that transfer. It even had a better stance. It stayed like this for a short time. I'm
not sure why, but for some reason, I thought it needed to be a 4x4. So off came the body and the only 4 feet of frame that
was 1946 at this time, and put it onto a 1973 Dodge 4x4 running gear.

I think it looks good, but it really beat up the old truck. Both door glasses on a 300-mile trip to K.C.. Pot holes!
It stayed this way until my G-pa gave me his 1976 Oldsmobile. I thought it would give me the same stance that the Monte gave
it. The Oldsmobile is a 350 / 350 transmission; plenty of power, just no stopping. I think it needs a new power booster.